Sounding Desperate, NYTimes Warns of Military Takeover in Greece if Eu

December 13th, 2011 3:56 PM
The New York Times showed desperate liberal Euro-philia -- an embrace of collective economic action at the expense of national sovereignty -- on the front of Tuesday’s Business section, as reporter Landon Thomas Jr., writing from London, pondered a frightening (and extremely hypothetical) martial-law scenario in Greece if the euro currency were to be abandoned by that country, a member of the…

Euro-Loving NYTimes Paints 'Isolated' Britain As 'Big Loser' in Battle

December 13th, 2011 10:36 AM
British Prime Minister David Cameron was embraced by conservatives and euro-skeptics after rejecting a European Union agreement aimed at stabilizing the troubled economic union. Yet the tone of the New York Times news coverage is that he blundered, “isolating” Britain by failing to accept the accord’s requirements, including that members submit their budgets to the EU for approval even before…