Time's Jon Friedman Fails to Show That Hank Aaron Would Face Worse Soc

April 7th, 2014 12:18 PM
Over at what's left of Time Magazine's Time.com, Jon Friedman claims that Hall of Fame baseball player Hank Aaron "Would Have Faced Worse Racism Today" than he did in 1973 and 1974 as he edged ever closer to and then broke Babe Ruth's once thought unapproachable career record of 714 home runs. There is no doubt that Aaron faced significant adversity as he neared that record. In that pre-…

MarketWatch Writer Praises Maddow as ... Wait for It ... 'Voice of Rea

July 13th, 2010 9:01 AM
I'm fairly confident but not certain this didn't initially come from The Onion -- a fawning profile of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow written by MarketWatch's Jon Friedman."This is the rare 21st-century TV news star," Friedman writes, "an un-self-absorbed celebrity.""Maddow, 37, is the voice of reason at MSNBC," Friedman elaborates. "Notable for their verbal brawn, the hosts of cable news shows often…