Hamas Mouse Murdered On-Air by 'Jew

June 29th, 2007 3:23 PM
Remember the Palestinian children's show starring the Mickey Mouse ripoff, "Farfur?" Yeah, the one preaching global Islamic supremacy and shooting Jewish people with an AK-47. The show got canceled, but not for the right reasons and far, far from the right way.In the latest Hamas outrage, the show, "Tomorrow's Pioneers," featured Farfur being beaten to death by an actor playing the role of an…

He's Back: Mullah Mouse Returns to Palestinian TV

May 14th, 2007 5:26 PM
Little Green Footballs has more on the infamous "Mullah Mouse" TV program geared towards Palestinian children and running on Hamas TV. The Islamic supremacist character was back on the air Friday as LGF's Charles Johnson notes:The monstrous clone of Mickey Mouse used by Hamas to teach children violence, hatred, and Islamic supremacism was back on the air yesterday. Hamas issued a statement with…

Glenn Beck Tells How CNN Censored Reports on Mullah Mouse

May 10th, 2007 10:24 AM
  The big story of the week has been "Mullah Mouse," the hate-spewing Palestinian children's character whose show on Hamas television encouraged kids to kill non-Muslims to help establish world Islamic domination.You would think that CNN would have wanted to get in on some of that news. It's controversial. The visuals are great and it's eminently topical.The network did finally cover the…

CNN Anchor: Jihad Mouse 'Reaches Out' to Palestinian Kids

May 9th, 2007 5:50 PM

Disney's Daughter Condemns 'Pure Evil' Islamist Mouse

May 9th, 2007 11:39 AM
Diane Disney Miller, the only surviving child of Mickey Mouse creator Walt Disney, condemned a Palestinian rip-off that has been used to glorify terrorism and murder to children. She called the character, named Farfur, "pure evil." (h/t LGF)Diane Disney Miller said she was disgusted that a rip-off of her father's iconic cartoon character was being used on a new Hamas TV show to encourage…