PBS Doc Champions One-Sided 'News' Site for Feminists, LGBTQ Activists

February 21st, 2024 3:55 PM

“Breaking the News,” the latest entry in PBS’s documentary series “Independent Lens,” celebrated the 2020 launch of news start-up The 19th* (asterisk included), which became a popular source for the most woke of PBS NewsHour journalistic guests. The doc’s creators are clearly on the same wavelength with the feminist, LGBTQ-oriented site. From the “About…

NYT Rushes to Texas Planned Parenthood's Aid in Front-Page Story

March 8th, 2012 4:19 PM
The New York Times defended the Texas branches of Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, on the front page Thursday: "Women in Texas Losing Options For Health Care" was reported by Pam Belluck and Emily Ramshaw, a reporter for the Texas Tribune, which produces a twice-weekly local section for the Texas edition of the Times. Ramshaw was last covered in Times Watch in…

Pro-Regulation NYTimes Laments 'Bureaucratic Nightmare'...When It Invo

January 31st, 2012 9:31 AM
Emily Ramshaw’s New York Times report on new abortion regulations in Texas, “Required Delay Between Sonogram and Abortion Creates Logistical Issues,” made the national edition Sunday. In an odd twist for the liberal Times, Ramshaw lamented the plight of abortion clinics having to comply with regulations. And isn’t it ironic for the pro-regulation Times to criticize a “bureaucratic nightmare…

No Credit to Perry for Texas Economy, But Lots of Blame for Texas Heal

October 1st, 2011 3:03 PM
The New York Times may not give Texas Gov. Rick Perry credit for his state’s booming economy, but it will certainly attack him for his state’s supposedly awful record on providing health care. Emily Ramshaw reported “Few Bright Spots in Perry’s Health Care Record” for Friday’s edition. Ramshaw, a reporter for the Texas Tribune, a left-leaning nonprofit news organization based in Austin that…