Salon: Right Prone to ‘Animalistic Fear' of the Ill-Defined 'Other'

November 12th, 2014 2:11 PM
Edwin Lyngar argues that right-wingers not only “creat[e] and exploit…irrational fear” but also disdain empathy, whereas “kindness…is the hallmark of liberalism.” The article was headlined I was a conservative coward: How the midterms evoked my past of shame, terror and Fox News”.

Salon: Being Fox News Fan 'As Big a Tragedy' for Elderly as Cancer, Al

March 5th, 2014 11:33 AM
Editorial Note/Correction: We mistakenly affixed an incorrect. NewsBusters byline earlier Our deepest apologies for the error | Edwin Lyngar was upset that many retirement-age Americans, including his father, have in their golden years run for the shadows of Fox News Channel -- so much so that this past Thursday, Lyngar published a February 27 piece in the liberal online magazine Salon in which…