Column: Biden's Puffballs from the Press

July 1st, 2020 6:14 AM

Everything about the June 30 press conference with Joe Biden underlines how the snarling, vicious watchdogs of the Trump administration are going to transform into cuddly little lapdogs if Biden is elected president. Biden began with a 20-minute speech, and CNN and MSNBC ran it all live, unlike their avoiding 96 percent of Trump's Tulsa rally.

Biden's Green Bay Gaffe: Claims Only 1,980 Troops Have Died in Afghani

September 3rd, 2012 7:20 PM
ABC reporter Arlette Saenz reported for The Note on Joe Biden’s speech Sunday in the Green Bay area, including this statement: "In Afghanistan, we have lost 1,980 fallen angels as of yesterday, and I’m precise because every single one of those lives deserves to be recognized. Wrong: The U.S. death toll in Afghanistan at the end of August was 2,101. Biden somehow subtracted from the Defense…