ABC News Lauds Montana Moonbat Senate Candidate

August 23rd, 2014 7:11 PM
Just how far kooky left does a Democrat candidate have to go before ABC News will cease hyping him or her? Apparently so far left that we can't even imagine. Writing articles for a far left socialist website or posting a profile photo of a former chairwoman of the Communist Party USA on your Facebook page is still not kooky enough to deter Benjamin Siegel of ABC News from writing an adulatory…

AP Conveniently Overlooks Moonbat Declarations of New Montana Senate N

August 18th, 2014 3:28 PM

What does it say about the Montana Democratic Party that they nominated a flat out moonbat to be their Senate nominee? Perhaps they knew that since they were going to lose that seat anyways, they would entertain us with a laughable candidate. Just by reading the Associated Press description of the new Senate nominee, Amanda Curtis, hastily chosen in the wake of the John Walsh plagiarism…