Spiked by Big Media: Democrat Opponent Says GOP Gov. Susana Martinez S

June 2nd, 2014 6:41 AM
On Friday, Daniel Halper of The Weekly Standard reported on a video of a potential Democratic opponent of New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, the Latino Republican star the networks aerobically ignore (for example, her 2012 Republican convention speech). Candidate Alan Webber, the Democrat with the largest campaign treasury, told supporters "So I’m asking you for your help, we need to make…

Mika Miffed America Not Like China

October 18th, 2007 7:38 AM
A voguish Dem theme is that America's reputation in the world has been eroded and that the next Dem president will restore it. Hillary Clinton has gone so far as to propose appointing Bill as a "roving" [I'll say] ambassador for such purposes. We can safely ignore such fluff as so much presidential-season silliness. A great nation's reputation is forged not by its goodwill ambassadors, but by…