Lame Actor Fills In On Liberal Radio Show by Comparing Bush Family to

September 6th, 2013 6:03 AM
On Tuesday's edition of the Stephanie Miller radio show, guest host Hal Sparks, the comedian and semi-star of TV shows -- whose most prominent acting job was Queer as Folk on Showtime -- engaged in lame Bush-bashing as Obama prepared for war on Syria. Sparks compared the Assad father-and-son dictators to the "monarchy" of father-and-son U.S. presidents. Syria has "A regime, by the way, that…

Romney Reduced to 'Smelly Hobo', Chuckles Humor-Challenged Stephanie M

January 25th, 2013 7:00 PM
Never ceases to amaze me how little it takes for liberals to amuse themselves. It wasn't enough for left-wing radio host Stephanie Miller to criticize Mitt Romney as petty for not attending President Obama's second inaugural, as one could reasonably do. No, Miller and her sidekicks denigrated Romney as someone now reduced to weeping in a fetal position (hence, less than fully human), pumping…