CNN's Jack Cafferty: 'One Can Only Hope' Kerry Story Fades

November 1st, 2006 12:14 AM

This evening's 7:00 PM "The Situation Room" included this exchange among Paula Zahn, Jack Cafferty and Wolf Blitzer:

CAFFERTY: Well, listen, it's tailor-made for the media. We get so sick and tired of, you know, running sound bytes of the candidates that when somebody comes along and does something that's even this much out of ordinary, we pounce on it like cats on a mouse and drag it around until it's dismembered on the living room floor.

ZAHN: Will it be dismembered by election night is the question, Jack Cafferty.

CAFFERTY: If we have our way with it, it will be.

BLITZER: I'm sure there'll be something else that will pop up between and probably an hour from now.

CAFFERTY: One can only hope.

My, my, have you ever seen such mainstream media desire for a hot story to just go away?  I certainly don't recall similar sentiments expressed about, say, the Mark Foley scandal.

Coupled with CNN's White House correspondent Suzanne Malveaux stating the following hour that "we hope and we think that all of this is going to go away tomorrow," I won't be surprised if tomorrow's coverage centers on more pressing matters.   Something, anything, that doesn't place liberals in a bad light.