Everybody on the blogosphere is on this story today, and have been since Drudge broke it mid-morning. Here's just one entry from
MsUnderestimated's site:
Gaza Militants Claim Fox Kidnapping
Oh, but stay away from HuffPo unless you want to get really really angry! They're worse than the DU idiots. One HuffPoster says he hopes they show Centanni's beheading on live TV; another hopes they chop off his "nazi" head and mail it to "that woman." Disgusting.
Please pray for these two men.
Gaza Militants Claim Fox Kidnapping
Anita McNaught, wife of kidnapped journalist Olaf Wiig Freelance cameraman. Olaf Wiig was kidnapped last week A previously unknown militant group has said it kidnapped two journalists seized nine days ago in the Gaza Strip. A fax from the “Holy Jihad Brigades” to news agencies demanded the US release “Muslim prisoners” within 72 hours.MsUnderestimated's site has lots of links to many other of the bloggers out there writing about this. AllahPundit at HotAir has the AP video, and Rusty Shackleford at MyPetJawa are posting up-to-the-minute updates.
Oh, but stay away from HuffPo unless you want to get really really angry! They're worse than the DU idiots. One HuffPoster says he hopes they show Centanni's beheading on live TV; another hopes they chop off his "nazi" head and mail it to "that woman." Disgusting.
Please pray for these two men.