Given the shock by media members over how many Americans still believe Saddam had WMD before the March 2003 invasion as reported here and here, doesn’t it seem odd that there hasn’t been an MSM article scolding folks who still believe George Bush stole the presidential election in 2000? After all, if the Associated Press can suggest that Americans are deluded for not believing its WMD "facts”, shouldn’t it also question the sanity of the people who, despite the number of media outlets that counted the votes for themselves in early 2001, still believe Al Gore carried Florida?
To be sure, sometimes actor, sometimes radio talk show host, and sometimes radical left-wing blogger Alec Baldwin would be part of that group who believes Gore won, and he made that clear in a post at HuffPo on Sunday: “Gore, who limped off of the American political stage after the 2000 election after being gang raped by Dick Cheney, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and James Baker, as well as their election-stealing goons in Washington and Florida, returns to face public gatherings to discuss his unbending assertions about global warming and the urgent need for America to take the lead in combating its causes and, perhaps, its effects.”
Honestly, I love the smell of Alec Baldwin in the morning. Don’t you? From there, Baldwin moved into full global warmingist mode (emphasis mine): “Nearly forty years after the birth of the mainstream environmental movement in this country, all Americans know what global warming is and suspect that substantial sacrifices on the part of all developed countries in the coming fifty years and beyond will be required to begin to reverse the problem.”
Wow! All Americans know this? I guess that means that the likely 50 percent of the population that aren’t drinking the same Kool-Aid as Baldwin and Gore aren’t Americans. So much for a big tent, huh? Yet, having floated that “all Americans know” balloon, Baldwin felt it was necessary to go back to – drum roll, please – how Team Bush stole Florida:
In spite of a perceived Clinton fatigue in 2000, and Gore's own baggage as a less-than-captivating frontman, it took an impossibly anomalous set of circumstances, led by that ever-reliable Democracy-hater and Bush family hit man, Baker, to deny Gore his shot. Gore won, no mistake. But like a kid on a corner with his shiny new bike on his birthday, Gore was no match for Baker and Company, who proved they can steal whatever they wish, with impunity.
Dontcha wish this guy would blog every day for our entertainment pleasure? Yet, he wasn’t done, for having just flip-flopped to Florida, he decided to shift back to…global warming. I guess following one train of thought isn’t Baldwin’s strong suit:
When is someone going to give this guy his own TV show?In spite of a perceived Clinton fatigue in 2000, and Gore's own baggage as a less-than-captivating frontman, it took an impossibly anomalous set of circumstances, led by that ever-reliable Democracy-hater and Bush family hit man, Baker, to deny Gore his shot. Gore won, no mistake. But like a kid on a corner with his shiny new bike on his birthday, Gore was no match for Baker and Company, who proved they can steal whatever they wish, with impunity.