NBC's Mitchell Scolds Bush Admin. on Israel, Suggests Iraq Distraction Led to War

July 13th, 2006 8:59 PM

As if the incursions into Israel by Hamas and Hezbollah, and subsequent counter-attacks by Israel and now escalating efforts by Israel to fight back with bombings inside Lebanon, are somehow the fault of the Bush administration, on Thursday's NBC Nightly News reporter Andrea Mitchell asserted: “Critics in both parties say the administration has been so focused on Iraq and Afghanistan, it has failed to pay enough attention to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.” Mitchell had asked: “What role has the U.S. played? Today, U.S. diplomat David Welch arrived in Israel, but critics say, too late, 17 days after the first Israeli soldier was captured. And Condoleezza Rice has not been to Israel or the Palestinian territories since last November." James Steinberg of the University of Texas then maintained “that American credibility has been damaged by our unwillingness to get involved." (Transcript follows)

A transcript of Mitchell's July 13 NBC Nightly News story, provided by the MRC's Brad Wilmouth who corrected the closed-captioning against the video:

Anchor Brian Williams: "Now the natural question becomes: Where does all of this leave the United States, a big player in Middle East politics? On the eve of the G-8 summit of industrialized nations, President Bush is overseas and at odds with several allies over Israel's military actions. More on that part of this story now from NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell."

Andrea Mitchell: "In Germany today, the President strongly supported Israel's right to defend itself, blaming Syria for harboring terror groups active in both Lebanon and Gaza."

George W. Bush: "There are a group of terrorists who want to stop the advance of peace. Syria needs to be held to account. Syria's housing the militant wing of Hamas. Hezbollah has got an active presence in Syria."

Mitchell: "The Secretary of State blamed Iran as well, but tonight cautioned Israel not to go too far."

Condoleezza Rice: "The point about restraint, I think, has been taken by our Israeli colleagues."

Mitchell: "But all day, the U.S. was alone in defending Israel -- at the U.N., exercising the sole veto against a resolution condemning Israel's Gaza incursion. The European Union called Israel's attacks on Lebanon 'disproportionate.' In fact, diplomatic sources tell NBC News Israel has been looking for an excuse to clean out Hezbollah strongholds after weeks of rocket attacks into Israel. What role has the U.S. played? Today, U.S. diplomat David Welch arrived in Israel, but critics say, too late, 17 days after the first Israeli soldier was captured. And Condoleezza Rice has not been to Israel or the Palestinian territories since last November."

James Steinberg, University of Texas: "I think it's really inexplicable. I think that there's been some sense that if they get involved and fail that somehow it will lessen American credibility, but I think the opposite is true, that American credibility has been damaged by our unwillingness to get involved."

Mitchell concluded from the State Department, without naming any names: "Tonight, critics in both parties say the administration has been so focused on Iraq and Afghanistan, it has failed to pay enough attention to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, at the State Department."