Bill Maher Compares ExxonMobil CEO to Convicted Terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui

May 7th, 2006 12:09 PM

HBO’s Bill Maher has made some absurd statements on his “Real Time” program in the past. But, this one made during Friday night's installment should offend all Americans regardless of party affiliation.

In a discussion about recently sentenced terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui, Maher contended that ExxonMobil’s CEO Lee Raymond failing to warn Americans about global warming was an equal crime as Moussaoui not warning America about 9/11.

Excuse me? What possible connection exists here, Bill?

Now, I imagine you might be thinking that this wasn’t the case, and that surely Maher couldn't possibly have said this. Well, read and/or watch for yourselves (hat tip to Expose the Left with video link to follow). Maher opined to his panel: “But let me ask you this: We put [Moussaoui] in jail because he knew about a pending disaster and failed to alert us. That’s his crime, right?” Maher then answered his own question (rough transcript follows with side chatter edited out):

“He knew about it and didn’t tell anybody. Okay, what about the people who knew about global warming? You know this guy...Isn’t that the same thing? Lee Raymond.”

Maher mercilessly and repugnantly continued:

“Am I getting that name right? I talk about him every week, I should. The head of Exxon, who I call ‘Fat Jastard.’ In 1998 at the American Petroleum Institute, Exxon representatives made the decision to fight the science, the memo leaked. This is what it said – it said that 'victory will be achieved when uncertainties in climate science become part of the conventional wisdom.' Is that not exactly doing what Moussaoui did, not warning people about a pending disaster? Just a question.”

Yes, Bill, a CEO fighting a myth purported by folks like you -- a theory just as many scientists contest as support -- is akin to a terrorist not alerting his captors about the largest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. Speaking of environmental problems, Bill, you might want to have your producers check the carbon monoxide level in your studio, because you appear to be suffering from anoxia.

What follows is transcript of this segment and a video link courtesy of Ian Schwartz and Expose the Left.

MAHER: But let me ask you this: We put him in jail because he knew about a pending disaster and failed to alert us. That’s his crime, right?

Guest: He participated in it…

MAHER: He knew about it and didn’t tell anybody.

Guest: Sure…

MAHER: Okay, what about the people who knew about global warming? You know, this guy…Isn’t that the same thing? Lee Raymond. Am I getting that name right? I talk about him every week, I should. The head of Exxon, who I call “Fat Jastard”. In 1998 at the American Petroleum Institute, Exxon representatives made the decision to fight the science, the memo leaked. This is what it said – it said that, “victory will be achieved when uncertainties in climate science become part of the conventional wisdom.” Is that not exactly doing what Moussaoui did, not warning people of a pending disaster? Just a question.

Video Link