Sean Hannity: 'We Now Have a Lap Dog, Thrill Up Our Leg, A**-Kissing, Suck Up Media'

March 6th, 2013 9:27 AM

"I think that for democracy to survive and thrive, I think we need a vigilant media. You know, we now have a lap dog, thrill up our leg, a**-kissing, suck-up, lapdog media. How do we have a thriving democracy when people can't get accurate, fair information? That seems to be hard to me."

So marvelously said Fox News's Sean Hannity on his program Tuesday (video follows with transcript and commentary):

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: I think that for democracy to survive and thrive, I think we need a vigilant media. You know, we now have a lap dog, thrill up our leg, ass-kissing, suck-up, lapdog media. How do we have a thriving democracy when people can't get accurate, fair information? That seems to be hard to me.

JOHN SUNUNU, FORMER NEW HAMPSHIRE GOVERNOR: It's part of a three-stage problem we have in this country. K through 12 kids are being taught by a lot of teachers who lean liberal and are feeding them an extremely liberal line. They go to college and the academic community is all the way over to the left. And the press, I think eight years ago, there was a poll and 93 percent of the press admitted they voted Democratic. I bet it was even higher in the 2012 election.

So, those are the three problems in the country. We've got to figure out if those that care about the traditional way that this country was able to create the American dream. We've got to figure out how to get our message in a package that begins to offset this.

But it's an awfully tough battle when you've got the Brian Williams of the world who sit there trying to tell the public that they're really neutral when they're leaning so far left. This is coming from a guy who’s in the middle of a network that has been caught at least three times with major doctoring of videos, and has been caught not only with a bias, but with a distortion. And this guy sits there pretending that things like that don't happen in his news program or his network.

That last point to me is key. When liberal media members get away with pretending they're impartial, there's no way the public can know the information that's being disseminated to them is biased.

This is why I've advocated for years that much as news outlets disclose the party a politician they're speaking to, quoting or reporting on belongs to, they should have to do the same for themselves.

As such, when the NBC Nightly News begins each evening, and they flash Brian Williams' name across the bottom of the screen, there should be a "D" next to it.

Of course, if that were required, media members would all register as independent. In that case, the name of the most recent president the person voted for should be prominently displayed.

At least this way the public would be aware of who they're getting their so-called news from.

(HT Mediaite)