Daily Kos Week in Review: Hardcore Troubadour in Newtown

January 11th, 2013 10:52 PM

Bloggers, like athletes, have hot streaks and slumps, and recently the Kossack known as Troubadour has been absolutely en fuego when it comes to maligning the right. Last week, Troubadour claimed that "murder-suicide massacres" a la Newtown were quintessentially conservative behavior; this week, he's back with a sequel (or is it a remake?) in which he claims that right-wingers, collectively, are "one great big nutjob with murder in mind."

As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.

Troubadour: Conservatism brings 'semi-apocalyptic calamity' to America 
Apparently my recent commentary, Socialism vs. Sociopathism has struck a nerve over at right-wing blog Newsbusters....

I prefer to let conservatives stew in their own insane bullshit for as long as possible until they start deciding to include me or other innocent people in their right-wing paradise of poverty and violence...
...[T]here is only one of the two major political parties in America - and one side of the left-right divide - that has elevated the deliberate worsening of those problems to a moral imperative in the 21st century...
...[W]hile the extent of conservative whining is that their taxes are not zero; that people who work for a living are allowed to breathe air without permission from their corporate masters; and that there is somewhere on Earth the American flag is not being drenched in blood, the problems I'm going to talk about are the ones real people are having to deal with every day, not the ones troubling the psychotic dreams of coddled billionaires who see themselves as victims while they pick at the flesh of the country that made their wealth possible.

Every single time conservatives have gotten what they want, America suffers some semi-apocalyptic calamity that everyone with a triple-digit IQ saw coming miles away, and every time you just shake the Etch-A-Sketch again and pretend like history began five seconds ago...

...The degree of a person's affiliation with right-wing politics is pretty much a direct correlation with their inability to relate to other human beings or reflect rationally on how their actions affect others...

...Let's just be honest: Being conservative in America today at best means not giving a fuck about other people, and at worst means actively working to harm every other human being alive so you can feel powerful and special.  It's not a new phenomenon in history - it's just usually people like that are waging war on America from some other country, not under its own flag...

...[C]onservatives are, in aggregate, one great big nutjob with murder in mind.  This too is nothing new in history.  Genocidal murder sprees and wars of extermination don't follow from sociopaths feeling secure in their positions - it starts when the consequences of their actions begin to catch up with them: The Glorious War for Vindication against your neighbors isn't going so well, or the fantasies of ideologically pure utopia aren't panning out, so take the rage out on some powerless minority.  Massacring random innocent people in some community in America is just the same thing in microcosm, and the tendency of the pepetrators to be fascinated with right-wing talk radio, Fox News, and gun culture - and to hate and despise the same groups you people do - isn't lost on anybody.  But hey, at least they're not shooting fetuses, so the conscience of conservatives is clean... [Italics are the writer's.]

...Violence is simple and cheap in the short-term, and conservatives are dumb and selfish, so it's not really rocket science why the two are so often found in each other's company...

poopdogcomedy: Mitch could get it from right and left

...McConnell's scared.  He's knows both sides are pissed and can feel a challenge coming from both the Democrats and the Tea Party, it's just a matter of which side has the more appealing candidates.  I don't think Kentucky would elect another Rand Paul, I think they would elect someone much worse.  Imagine if Jim Bunning and Michelle Bachmann had a baby.  Ok now that you're done puking, please keep reading...
Richard Lyon: The Constitution bolsters racism

...Most conservatives in the US do tend to subscribe to traditional Christianity and attempt to link the Bible as they wish to understand it to the constitution as they wish to understand it. The framers of the constitution are given the status of Moses receiving the stone tablets...

The white men who met in Philadelphia for the constitutional convention were a varied collection of individuals. They were the politicians of their day...[M]ost of them were not possessed of particularly outstanding abilities...

The US is in the process of a broad demographic sea change that is pointing toward a time in the not too distant future when the people of white European decent who have been running this country since its founding are going to be in a minority...

The election of Barack Obama as the first president who was not a white man has served as something of a touch stone for the tensions being generated by these changes. It is about much more than him as an individual, but he occupies a position of symbolic importance. The people who are feeling the most threatened by these changes are attempting to wrap themselves in the flag and the constitution. They want to portray the constitution as a sacred text that enshrines their traditional privileges of a racial patriarchy...

BigRedBlackGuy: Lakers, America both past their peak
...[T]he current situation of the Los Angeles Lakers is an almost too-perfect microcosm of our country's current fiscal situation and deeply flawed mores. A former giant who pounds relentlessly on the drum of former accomplishment...