Chris Rock Lambasts Mormons for History on Race, Defends Obama

June 8th, 2012 7:41 AM

Appearing as a guest on Thursday's Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on NBC, comedian Chris Rock alluded to the Mormon Church's controversial history on race from several decades ago as he asserted that "Mitt Romney's crew" had "believed black people were the devil until 1978." Rock:

What's going on? Okay, I just heard this the other day. The Mormons, Mitt Romney's crew, they believed black people were the devil until 1978. I'm not making this up. Right, right, right?

He soon downplayed the lingering recession as he defended President Obama's economic policies. Rock began his defense of Obama:

Obama's had it tough, but Obama is good, man. But to think about Obama, you got to realize, man, first of all, the economy has been getting better every month, for almost like two years. And everybody's going: It's not getting better fast enough. It's like complaining that your team keeps winning by one.

Blaming former President Bush, he went on to argue that Obama had a "clean-up job to do" as he came into office.