Washington Post Blogger Claims Bush Shuns "Ordinary Citizens"

November 30th, 2005 4:14 PM

Dan Froomkin writes a White House column weekdays for the Washington Post’s web site. In case you're not familiar with his work, let's just say that in terms of bias and tone, he's sort of an online version of Dana Milbank. (And, in case you're not familiar with Milbank: Lucky you.) 


Here's the lead to Froomkin's Tuesday column: 

What does it say about the president of the United States/>/> that he won't go anywhere near ordinary citizens any more? And that he'll only speak to captive audiences?

President Bush's safety zone these days doesn't appear to extend very far beyond military bases, other federal installations and Republican fundraisers. 

OK, now some questions about Froomkin: Why doesn't he consider federal employees, military or civilian, or Republicans “ordinary citizens”? What does it say about a columnist for one of the nation's leading newspapers that he seems not to know the meaning of “captive”?