Thom Hartmann: Karl Rove Is Nazi-Like, With a Lower Body Count

December 16th, 2011 8:19 AM

Leftists are clearly haunted by the spectre of Karl Rove floating over the 2012 elections. On Wednesday, radio talker Thom Hartmann explained his feeling as he looked at Rove: “I had this feeling like there was an evil presence...I think of him along with the other members of the Bush administration as a man responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people as a war criminal. It's like the way that you think of Goebbels.”

Later, when asked by a caller if Rove was evil, Hartmann tried to make it sound more reasonable. Well, he said Goebbels was a bit worse in terms of the body count:

HARTMANN: If evil is people pursuing policies that lead to the death of other people, yes, Karl Rove is evil.

CALLER: On a comparison with Josef Goebbels?

HARTMANN: No, I don't think he's anywhere near as bad as Goebbels. Goebbels was responsible for killing six million people. Karl Rove killed maybe 20, 30, 40, 50, maybe 100,000 people, or was responsible for policies that led to the death of those people.

On Wednesday, Hartmann also theorized that Rupert Murdoch favors Newt Gingrich for president, because he is destined to lose, and a second term for President Obama means better business for Fox News in opposition:

Murdoch's goal is to make money. Murdoch's not an ideologue...From Murdoch's point of view, if you get Newt Gingrich in there as the [nominee], or some other wackadoodle who has no chance at all of winning against President Obama, it's actually going to help the ratings of Fox News for Obama to get another term, because [they can say], 'Hey, that black guy's still in the White House, let's freak out some more people, let's be more scared'...It lets them just crank up the fear machine that much more.

Previously from Hartmann: Fox News is a 'cancer' that must be stopped by antitrust crackdown