John Cusack: Bush is “Depressing, Corrupt, Unlawful, and Tragically Absurd”

November 12th, 2005 11:02 AM

John Cusack is a fabulous actor. I’ve been a huge fan since “Sixteen Candles,” which, depressingly, is 21 years old. Yet, the opinions he expressed yesterday at the Huffington Post blog are going to make it very difficult for his work to be viewed objectively in the future:

“Bush 2. How depressing, corrupt, unlawful and tragically absurd the administration's world view actually low the moral bar has been lowered...and (though I know I'm capable of intellectually lazy notions of collective guilt) how complicit our silence as citizens is...Nixon, a true fiend, looks like a paragon of virtue next to the criminally incompetent robber barons now raiding the present and future.”

Cusack then stated that members of the Bush administration “should not only not be in office, they should be in prison.”

From there, Cusack gushed over – hold onto your seats – “Comedy Central’s” Jon Stewart, who he believes is a hero:

“All this makes me think of Jon Stewart, and the tricky position he finds himself in...I love the man. He is the most important media watchdog right now. As Bill Moyers said ‘If Mark Twain were back today, he'd be at Comedy Central.’

“But I hope we're not putting too much pressure on Mr. Stewart. There should be a lot more like him, but right now he's all we've got. He's the vanguard.”

Cusack then referred to “the neo-con/White House Iraq Group lunatics” as “a league of bastards -- these men are human scum,” and moved into a quote from Hunter S. Thompson where he compared the Bush administration to Nazis. Cusack’s opinion of Thompson’s view: “I always thought he was too loose with the Nazi analogy, but I always got his point: if you're on the dying end of this madness, they might as well be monsters.”