NPR Would 'Love to See' a Huntsman-Colbert Ticket

October 26th, 2011 6:30 AM

NPR hasn't been shy about its love for Jon Stewart. Apparently, the same reverence applies to Stephen Colbert. On Tuesday night's All Things Considered newscast, anchor Melissa Block noted that Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman sat at less than two percent of the polls, but using the royal "We" for NPR, Block declared a Jon Huntsman-Steven Colbert ticket is "a presidential ticket we'd love to see."

Block was promoting Huntsman's appearance on The Colbert Report, in which Colbert "in character" said he was terrified of Chinese people and asked Huntsman to say something in Mandarin that was non-threatening:

COLBERT: What did you just say? What did you just say?

HUNTSMAN: I just said, I think that you ought to consider being my running mate for vice president. (LAUGHTER)

BLOCK: Needless to say, Stephen Colbert did not accept, but that is a presidential ticket we'd love to see.  

Earlier: NPR's Terry Gross Hails Colbert's 2010 House Testimony Stunt for Democrats as 'Like, So Amazing'