Daily Kos Week in Review: Beware the Ryan Ruin

June 5th, 2011 4:57 PM

A year ago, Paul Ryan was an obscure minority House member from northern flyover country. Today, he's the GOP's point man on budget issues and, as such, is frequently flayed by the Daily Kos gang (see first two items). This past week, Kossacks also went on (and on) about what Republicans allegedly have in common with eugenicists and, yes, Hitler. 

As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.


Dante Atkins: Ryan favors humiliating death for the elderly

...Assisted suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian passed away yesterday. The difference between Dr. Kevorkian and Paul Ryan? Kevorkian wanted the elderly and infirm to die with dignity...

TomP: Christians must choose between Ryan and Jesus

...The Ryan [budget] is contrary to fundamental precepts of Christianity, most faith traditions, and most secular ethical sytems.  It ain't American either.

No doubt many fundamentalist Christians will ignore the deepest principles of their religion in favor of their Republican idols...But the cognitive dissonance one day will explode inside them and perhaps they will have a revelation that greed and a cult of selfishness are wrong...

Dante Atkins: Mistreating women is the fallback position for social conservatives
...[O]nce the debate over marriage equality is over [the Christian right] will concede that ground and seek to replicate the 1950s. They may be losing the war on LGBT rights, and they know it; but they feel that they still feel they can win the war on women.

Stranded Wind: The Breitbart/Thomas/CNN conspiracy...exposed!
...[N]ow this gang, this conservative media mafia, has done a hit on a U.S. Congressman, and it's one carefully timed to protect corrupt Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas from scrutiny, and the timing of the delivery was flawless. Congressman Wiener would be all over accountability for Thomas, except that @DanaBashCNN and @RandiKayeCNN are all over . dare I say it? They're On. His. Dick.

This conservative crime wave isn't going to just go away. As we've seen with Anthony Weiner, any individual who troubles them, even if that person by a United States Congressman, is going to get whacked...    

Swellsman: Republicans are the party of eugenics...

...It seems to me there is a real resurgence in the idea – the basis of all eugenics – that there are those among us who are “deserving” and those among us who are of “lesser breeds”...I am not suggesting that a program of forced sterilization is about to be unleashed.  I am just pointing out that the basic idea that there is such a distinction between people seems to be back in fashion amongst many on the Right...
...It really is quite remarkable, the perfect synthesis of those two terrible ideas swirling around in 1920’s America when Ayn Rand first arrived here from Russia.  The first is that – for the good of society as a whole – the “lesser breeds” (i.e., the “Parasites”) must be encouraged to wither and die without any support from our society (although they will be allowed to reproduce, if only to live in abject poverty).  The second is that the superior nature of true Nitzchean supermen (like Paul Ryan, Rand Paul and the ever stoic John Boehner) is demonstrated not by any Jesus- or Buddha-like compassion for the less well off, but by denying the less well off any such compassion...

Troubadour: ...and also of Hitler's philosophy of propaganda
...[F]rom 2001 to about 2006, the Democratic Party didn't really exist above the level of citizen-activists: America was a One-Party State, and that party was the GOP.  Seats held by Democrats were merely a pressure-release valve, mitigating the barbarism of their environment rather than offering any active, substantive obstacle to it...
But the very instant that situation changed - the very moment Democrats stared operating as a political party again, Republicans began behaving like long-suffering, aggrieved victims of a crime of infinite magnitude.  Being merely indulged beyond all reason or justice - as opposed to being allowed to dictate policy as a fringe minority - was some kind of Stalinist oppression worthy of a Solzhenitsyn treatise...

You see, it is simply inconceivable that they do not get what they want.  If trying to bribe people with a bottomless fish-basket of tax cuts for their corporate masters somehow isn't compelling, there is always lying, race-baiting, and character assassination; and if that doesn't work, there are always paperless voting machines, voter suppression lists, and "2nd Amendment solutions."  So if even all of that doesn't make it happen for them - if it fails to materialize sufficiently to get what they want - well, clearly Satan is at work.  

Supernatural forces of evil and oppression beyond the conception of mere mortals have clearly hatched an infinitely-layered tableau of conspiracies so monstrous and insidious that not one iota of Democratic policy must even be considered, let alone worked with; not one actual Democrat must be acknowledged as even being human...The GOP now fully, and unabashedly embodies the infamous quote:

    As soon as by one's own propaganda even a glimpse of right on the other side is admitted, the cause for doubting one's own right is laid.

    --Adolf Hitler  

...Their hate, lunacy, and infinite selfishness have fed back into themselves to the point of transcending mere language manipulation: It is so intense they can barely hold on to even the superficial elements of English speech when talking about President Obama, and degenerate into a kind of gurgling, snarling, wheezing, incoherent word-salad with a syntax not yet fully understood by linguists...

Vyan: And speaking of Nazis...

When I listen to Palin describe how inspired she was to visit Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, only to immediately turn around and attack the Dream Act - I can't help but be reminded by one very iconic and familiar character in recent American media.

The Soup Nazi.

Apparently his type of capricious authoritarianism is exactly how Palin believes that immigrants should be treated.  Step outside the unwritten and arcane "rules" even one minute iota and BAM - No American Dream For You!...