Tea Partier to MSNBCer: Media That Blame All Criticism of Obama on His Skin Color Are 'Racers'

April 30th, 2011 9:25 AM

You've heard of Birthers and Truthers.

Tea Partier and talk radio host Tony Katz on Thursday, while appearing on MSNBC News Live Contessa Brewer, called media members that blame all criticism of Barack Obama on the color of his skin "Racers" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

TONY KATZ, TEA PARTIER: This is Obama failing to do his job.

CONTESSA BREWER, MSNBC HOST: That’s what a lot of people are saying it's not a laughing matter. They say that there are questions about him, not because there really are questions about where he is born, but because he is black. […]

KATZ: But this whole idea of race, you know what, if there are birthers and they're all crazy and silly for actually wanting to see a birth certificate, well let's talk about the racers, the people who believe that everything is a conspiracy about race. It's Obama’s race that people want to see the birth certificate. It's Obama’s race that people don't like the out of control spending. It's not his race. It's that he's awful. The policies are terrible. ObamaCare is a lie and a failure. QE1 and QE2 didn't work. It's crazy.

BREWER: There were people who took that very exact same stand when George W. Bush was president. They said the exact same words that you're saying about President Bush, and they never demand – wait, wait, wait, wait - and they never demanded to see a birth certificate.

Brewer was showing quite a touch of ignorance here since nobody questions the citizenship of George H. W. and Barbara Bush therefore making it absurd to want to see George W.'s birth certificate. At the same time she was actually making Katz's point for if the same kind of attacks were being lodged against a white president, they can't stem from racism:

KATZ: They didn't say it was race. Everything that comes out of the racers, and they exist - the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Huffington Post", some people at your very network, and you know I enjoy having these conversations with you. They are so focused. Everything is about race. It's not about race. When we talk about Obama and the policies, it's about the awful policies. It's about the inability to bring down debt. It’s about the inability to tackle the deficit. And when everybody says, “Oh, they're just after this because of race,” it is nonsense. It's a way to stop people from having conversation. Political correctness at its worst. If we want to talk about the issues, let's talk about the issues.

Exactly, and all those conflating the issues with accusations of racism are allowing the White House and the Democrats to avoid any kind of serious discussion about the problems facing the nation.

Let's hope the term "Racer" catches on, for it indeed represents a sizable percentage of America's media that for over four years have aided and abetted Obama in avoiding any criticism whatsoever as a result of the color of his skin.

Bravo, Tony! Bravo!

(H/T Breitbart TV)

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