Jack Cafferty on Tom DeLay: "Has he been indicted yet?" (VIDEO)

September 21st, 2005 9:13 PM

When asked about Tom DeLay's position on government pork, Jack "Ching Chong" Cafferty responded with "Has he been indicted yet?". Perhaps Jack should ask "Is my embarrassing career over yet?".

BLITZER: All right. Tom DeLay says there's no pork, everything is essential. I don't know if you heard him say that.

CAFFERTY: Has he been indicted yet?

BLITZER: We'll leave that alone. Jack Cafferty, thank you very much. Coming up, very serious story we're following. We'll tell you how some bloggers are suggesting that they -- suggesting ways they want to fund Katrina relief.

Video available in WMV or Real formats.