Esquire Magazine: Roger Ailes Evil Because He Doesn't Waste Millions on Ad Consultants

January 20th, 2011 12:34 PM

Esquire Magazine wants to know: Why Does Roger Ailes Hate America? Unfortunately for them, what readers glean from the piece tells them much more about the inner workings of the liberal mind than Roger Ailes. A man with a knack for finding talent and cultivating its creative impulses is scorned instead of celebrated. A man who can accurately identify glaring voids in the marketplace and fill them with quality products is ridiculed. Author Tom Junod may have failed in his attempt to smear Roger Ailes, but he succeeds at entering the Keith Olberman orbit of liberal derangement.

While it takes a distance runner’s endurance to make it through the entire diatribe, there are choice cutlets of liberal absurdity to be found – most notably Esquire’s reaction to Roger Ailes’ eye for capitalizing on a competitor’s misstep. Interspersed between sneering condescension checked only by a begrudging respect, Junod telegraphs in bizarre fashion the real reason liberals despise the man:

You told us yourself that when you saw MSNBC's new advertising campaign, Lean Forward, you said, "Lean? They paid Spike Lee $3 million for 'Lean'? What kind of word is that? Isn't that their problem — that they're leaning? Didn't anybody say, What about 'move'?"

And so once again, you took out your pad, wrote down "Move For-ward," and in four hours had your own campaign on the air for $1,500.

Pretty clever, Mr. Ailes. You win again. You must be proud of yourself. We wonder if you'll still be proud when you do the math and figure out what was lost when you did an entire ad campaign for fifteen hundred clams instead of three million:

American jobs.

In Junod’s mind Roger Ailes and the American innovators and entrepreneurs thinking outside the box are inexplicably seen as job killers! He’s portrayed as having a hatred for the American worker because he’s too efficient, too creative, and too much of a cut above the rest. Why Does Roger Ailes Hate America? attempts to convince readers that Ailes’ inner drive and determination to win is worthy of their scorn. Want to be on Esquire’s hit list? Create wealth. Be exceptional. And be unapologetic about it.

The liberalism espoused by Esquire considers failing school districts a success because a lot of paper pushers are collecting paychecks. It looks to “shovel ready” jobs digging ditches and mixing concrete along the highway for long term economic growth. And Esquire wonders why conservatives think they’re living in the Twilight Zone?:

Is Roger Ailes crazy? Now that's a good question ... because Roger Ailes believes that you are — or, at the very least, that you think you are. It's his grand theory of human behavior. "Look," he says, "there isn't a day that goes by that everybody doesn't say to themselves, 'Am I nuts?' They do it in their heads. People think that they're nuts." He has such confidence in the validity of this theory that he created a show for his America's Talking network called exactly that — Am I Nuts? He's so confident that he built Fox News as a twenty-four-hour Am I Nuts? for American conservatives.

If you watched Congress pass unconstitutional healthcare mandates, you’ve probably spent the past few years wondering if you were nuts. If you watched federal deficits explode in ways that will erode the standard of living of your children and grandchildren, you’ve probably wondered if you were nuts. If you’ve watched Fox News for any length of time you’ve come to realize that you are very, very sane. And you are not alone, as the 112th Congress demonstrates.

Esquire claims only it “has the guts” to tell us how it really is. Unfortunately for Tom Junod, he joins a long list of liberal scribes who get it all wrong from the get go:

What kind of man gives his country, in roughly this order…,Fox News (upstart-insurgent edition), Fox News (airwaves-of-the-empire edition), Fox News ("Obama sux" edition), and Fox News (Tea Party edition)? More pointedly, what kind of man figures out at age twenty-seven how to use television to legitimize Richard Nixon and then at age seventy to legitimize Sarah Palin?

Roger Ailes never gave anyone the “Obama Sux” edition – Barack Obama gave the country unconstitutional health care mandates.Roger Ailes didn’t give the country the Tea Party Movement – Barack Obama gave the country massive, unsustainable, crippling debt that The Heritage Foundation’s Rob Bluey and Bill Beach accurately describe as "the Beast."Roger Ailes never legitimized Richard Nixon or Sarah Palin – the failure of liberal public policy, coupled with individuals capable of articulating it better than a partisan guy with a tingle down his leg,did. Ailes provides the vehicle that allows liberalism to be seen uncensored and uncut, and the mainstream media has conniption fits because the conservative movement benefits.

The question then becomes not why Roger Ailes hates America, but why he cared enough to give Esquire Magazine his time?