Olbermann Reduced To Rationalizing Dem Losses As Wins

October 29th, 2010 11:07 PM

How bad is it getting for the likes of Dem MSM cheerleaders like Keith Olbermann?  Bad enough that on tonight's Countdown, Olbermann was reduced to arguing that Dem losses would really be wins.

Case in point: the predicament of incumbent Dem congressman Tom Perriello of Virginia, who is likely to be defeated by Republican Robert Hurt. Even David Corn of the leftist Mother Jones mag didn't embrace Keith's claim that a narrow loss by Perriello would refute notions that Dems are too liberal.

Here was Olbermann, making his pitiful defeat = victory plea . . .

KEITH OLBERMANN: The narrative that will obviously be pushed by the right should the Republicans indeed take the House next week is that Democrats would have lost because they were too liberal. Would even a narrow loss by somebody like Perriello in his environment contradict that, blow that meme out of the water?

Corn effectively ignored Olbermann's question, offering only some boring boilerplate about issues that supposedly we'll continue to debate.

When hyper-partisans like Olbermann try to take satisfaction out of liberal losses . . .

PS: By Keith's counter-intuitive logic, a GOP pick-up of 60 seats would really represent a Dem landslide ;-)