Sunday Morning Roundup - McCain calls Conservatives "extreme"

August 14th, 2005 2:18 PM

Missed some of today's programming? Mark Kilmer of has an excellent roundup of all of Sunday morning's talkshows. 

Among the highlights:

* On FOXNews Sunday: McCain calls conservatives opposed to him "extreme"; States he has no confidence in Rumsfeld.

* On Meet The Press: Joe Biden states Rumsfeld should resign; calls Iraq a training ground for terrorists. Hos Andrea Mitchell brings up Cindy Sheehan

*On Face the Nation: Guest Howard Dean. Cindy Sheehan (again) one topic of conversation. Dean threatens use of Fillibuster against John Roberts.

*Stephanopolous has on Lance Armstrong who states he is friends with both Kerry and Bush; states money would be better spent on cancer research than on wars.

For detailed catch-up, check it out