Obama: Bond Forged At 'First Moments of Life' Is 'Sacred'

June 20th, 2010 10:05 PM

Linking to Pres. Obama's Father's Day proclamation, Drudge focuses on the recognition PBO extends to two-father families.

I'd say the message's very first sentence is even more noteworthy:

"From the first moments of life, the bond forged between a father and a child is sacred."

Surely Pres. Obama would agree that arcane arguments about viability notwithstanding, "the very first moments of life" begin at the beginning: conception.

That being so, how does the president justify his unbridled support for abortion at all times and in all forms? Recall that during the 2008 campaign, candidate Obama, speaking to abortion advocates, stated: ""The first thing I'd do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act.[FOCA]."

As LifeSiteNews.com describes it, FOCA "would annihilate every single state law limiting or regulating abortion, including the federal ban on partial birth abortion."

Will the MSM point out the glaring contradiction between PBO's warm-and-fuzzy words about the first moment's of a child's life, and the harsh reality of the legislation he advocates?