Australian ABC News Seriously Recognizes the Cause of 'International Whores Day'

June 5th, 2010 6:46 AM

Lest one would think liberal bias isn't an international phenomenon, the Australian Broadcasting Company (their ABC News) was showing their sympathies Saturday with a brief story titled "International Whores Day to Tackle Discrimination." Apparently, it is an injustice that prostitutes have a more difficult time in child custody cases, or getting bank loans or buying newspaper ads:   

Groups representing sex workers around the country are calling for anti-discrimination laws to protect them.

The head of the Scarlet Alliance, Janelle Fawkes, says there are laws protecting sex workers in place in Queensland, Tasmania and the ACT, but they are lacking in the other states and territories.

She says today, being marked by sex workers as International Whores Day, is about creating awareness within the community of discrimination.

"Currently levels of discrimination against sex workers are unacceptably high," she said.

"From prices to advertise in newspapers, through to getting bank loans, being affected in custody battles because of our sex work experience being used against us."

This protest event is not new. Last year, the Australian media reported the hot chant of the Scarlet Alliance was "No bad whores, just bad laws." They also deplored "whore-phobic attitudes."

Even on a story like prostitution, the Australian ABC News couldn't find a sentence of disagreement for people who think that perhaps the world's oldest profession should face some form of social disapproval for its encouragement of adultery, or that perhaps being a sex worker doesn't make you the best candidate in a child custody case.

(HT: Seton Motley)

Also from Australia: Brent Bozell's column on Australian government agencies subsidizing a comedy about a bong-smoking guy in a doggy suit