MRC on TV: Tim Graham on 'The O'Reilly Factor' Tonight

December 23rd, 2009 5:43 PM

MRC director of media analysis Tim Graham will appear on tonight's edition of The O'Reilly Factor with guest host Monica Crowley. The subject is Jeff Poor's report on Katie Couric's Facebook video outbursts. Why did Katie spice up a rather boring interview about chocolate chip cookies and watching "Glee" with her protests of the "disrespect" an angry nation is showing Washington? The liberal media elite's disdain for the American people is on the march again.

Show times are 8 and 11 pm Eastern.  

Remember that Couric just won an award in our Best Notable Quotables of 2009 -- the "Let Us Fluff Your Pillow Award for Obsequious Obama Interviews" -- for lamenting to the president that there's too much politicization in politics: Did he feel "it’s just too politicized to really get accomplished the big things I want to accomplish’?”