E&P Editor: New Yorkers, Unlike 'Wimps in Heartland' Aren't Afraid of Terror Trials in Backyard

November 13th, 2009 11:33 AM

Taking to his Twitter account to take a swipe at flyover country, the New York-based editor of a print journalism trade publication all but stuck his tongue out at middle America while chanting "nya nya nya nya boo boo."

Tweeted Greg Mitchell of "Editor & Publisher" around 10:40 a.m. EST (h/t Dan Gainor):

New Yorkers happy to host trial of 9/11 mastermind: Unlike wimps in heartland who tremble at thought of any minor Gitmo-ite coming to town.

No doubt New Yorkers, who were profoundly effected by the terror attacks of 9/11, would be proud to see justice served by their own citizens serving on a jury, impartially weighing the overwhelming damning evidence and rendering a just verdict.

But that doesn't negate legitimate security concerns any local official would have about how holding a terrorist suspect in his jail would instantly make that facility a target of terrorists who may wish to attempt a jail break and/or terror attack. What's more, it's not a stretch to imagine the radicalizing impact on the inmate population that jihadist Muslims could have in proselytizing inmates who are in jail for lesser offenses.