Daily Kos Slams Fox News As 'Termites of Democracy'

September 20th, 2009 10:55 PM

For all the boasting liberals would like to do about defending the Constitution, left-wing bloggers really don’t have a whole lot of reverence for the First Amendment and freedom of political speech. Over at the Daily Kos, the diarist named Bacygirl wrote on Sunday that Fox News should have "no place at the bar of democracy," since they are the "termites of democracy." Rupert Murdoch has "taken the likes of Hannity, O'Reilly and his other minions of hate, dressed them up and paid them big salaries to exploit a 400 year old rip in the national fabric." So shut them up:

Mr. Murdoch's FOX network has given a voice to the dregs of American society. His defenders would say that in a democracy everyone should have a voice. I disagree. There is no place at the bar of democracy for those who perpetuate lowlife, divisive and evil agendas. FOX promotes lies, half-truths and hate speech that has the potential to endanger the lives of a sector of America's population and even the President of the United States. These people are the termites of democracy.

Murdoch may be king of the largest termite mound, a man with no loyalty to anything but himself. People can only act as responsible citizen [sic] when they are armed with truth and facts which enable them to make informed decisions for the good of the democracy. That is the role and burden of a free and responsible press -- expose lies and evil agendas that threaten our freedoms.

She also thinks "watching Fox is unpatriotic."

(Hat tip: Bob Roberts)