Heads Up: Ted Koppel Taking Twitter Questions Tonight at Poynter Event

September 14th, 2009 11:28 AM

The Poynter Institute (a cozy part of the "mainstream media" elite) is having a live conversation with former ABC Nightline anchor Ted Koppel tonight. It might be nice to have some conservative questions about liberal bias contributing to their "journalism in crisis" theme:

Join us Monday, Sept. 14, at 7 p.m. for live coverage of the conversation, "Journalism in Crisis: Who's to Blame?" with Ted Koppel. He'll talk about the state of media, what got us here and how we can preserve the integrity of news.

Twitterers can tweet their questions to #poynterchats ahead of time and during the chat. You can revisit this link at any time to replay the chat after it has ended.

If Poynter avoids conservative questions, then we'll know this wasn't much of an effort to find out how a large segment of the country doesn't trust the media elite.