Arrogance Alert: G8 Leaders Vow To Prevent Temps From Rising

July 8th, 2009 11:37 PM

In today's "Can You Believe The Arrogance On Display" segment, the leaders of the G8 nations Wednesday vowed to -- get this! -- stop global temperatures from rising more than they believe is acceptable.

I'm not kidding.

As reported by Britain's Times:

For the first time, America and the other seven richest economies agreed to the goal of keeping the world’s average temperature from rising more than 2C (3.6F).

Imagine that. So our new president, and these other seven leaders, actually think they have the power to determine how much temperatures can rise from their current levels.

And, a global warming obsessed media likely won't question how absurd such a belief is given how much temperatures have fluctuated since the dawn of time.

Be afraid, world. Be very afraid.