Anti-SNL Comedy Video Open Thread

December 13th, 2008 6:08 PM

We're going to change this up tonight, and stick with a consistent theme: political humor.

Here are the rules: suggested videos should be tasteful, unoffensive, and sent this evening to both Noel and Warner via PM or EM (, Please don't link videos in the comments section, for we want all content to be filtered.

The phone lines are open!

Our first entrant is one YouTuber's 10 Most Awkward Political Gaffes (embedded right, more below the fold).

Nice.Up next, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton battle over who's better for the country:

Next, Barack, Hillary, and John try their luck on "Campaign Idol":

Next, Madtv roasts Hillary and Barack:

Next, a debate between a Hillary supporter and an Obama supporter:

Bob sends us Hillary's revenge

GregE offers the following that is sure to put a smile on your face:

Deborah gives us the venerable Jib Jab effort, Time for Some Campaigning.

Deborah also sent us these words from the DNC Gift Shop...

And one from me, WTH, by Bruce Chapman -- same guy that made the above clip called the DNC Gift Shop. Get ready for a little Obama Spanish Lesson