Yahoo Ageism: Making John McCain Into an Ancient Artifact!

August 30th, 2008 9:49 AM

The folks at Yahoo News Photos section must have been greatly amused by their web page titled "Anthropology & Archaeology." The first four pictures in the slide show are various archaeological discoveries... well, except for the third one. THAT one happens to be a photo of John McCain. Yes, Yahoo seems to be saying that John McCain is an archaeological artifact! Nice ageist slap, eh?

Here's a screen shot of the original page...

The first two images in the Yahoo slideshow depict a pair of photos provided by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki of artifacts from a dig in Greece. The McCain photo, on the other hand, has a caption quoting John McCain's thoughts on the latest Indiana Jones movie. All the rest of the photos in the slideshow deal with various archaeological subjects.

Needless to say, the John Mccain photo has no place in this slide show... unless you want to make a slam on McCain for his age.

Not very subtle, Yahoo News. Not very subtle at all.