MRC's Noyes on Media Hype of Anti-Bush Books

August 7th, 2008 10:21 AM

Rich Noyes, the MRC's Director of Research, appeared on FNC's Fox & Friends program earlier this morning. He disucussed how the news media are all too eager to publicize anti-Bush administration books with harsh allegations, such as the much hyped 'The Way of the World' by Ron Suskind and the recent book by former Bush administration spokesman Scott McClellan.

"They certainly do have a lot of promotion. This book by Ron Suskind -- he was on the Today show two days this week, he was on NBC Nightly News. He was on MSNBC. CNN's had him."

On the other hand, when it comes to anti-Obama books, Noyes highlighted how the authors of those books have not been on those same programs. "It's the anti-Bush books that get all the air time."

Noyes also contrasted how the media warmly received the Scott McClellan book versus how they 'yawned' at his predecessor Ari Fleischer's book. "They're not interested in what former Bush administration press secretaries have to say. They're interested in books that trash the President."