Hillary Blames Media for Her Campaign Woes

May 17th, 2008 11:52 AM

Although it's been a constant theme of the Clinton campaign to accuse the media for being in the tank for her Democrat presidential opponent, it is nonetheless deliciously ironic to see the woman that coined the phrase "vast right-wing conspiracy" blame her campaign problems on the press.

Of course, as experience has shown us since this couple first broke on the national scene in 1991 that they both consider it almost a virtue to blame their problems and shortcomings on somebody else, we certainly aren't the slightest bit surprised.

With that as pretext, the Clinton campaign unleashed a new television advertisement in Oregon Friday pointing fingers at some of America's top political pundits as reported by Politico (video embedded right):

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is increasingly aiming its punches not at her front-running opponent Barack Obama, but at the media.

On the campaign trail, in a new ad and in her meetings with donors and superdelegates, she blasts the D.C. punditocracy for counting her out and urges anyone who’ll listen to ignore the hardening storyline that places Obama as the Democratic presidential nominee. [...]

The Clinton camp believes a media backlash drove up turnout among her supporters in West Virginia, which last week delivered a landslide 67 percent to 26 percent victory for her. [...]

The ad, titled "What's Right," shows video snippets of a cadre of television show hosts who have dismissed or downplayed Clinton’s chances – NBC’s Tim Russert, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos and MSNBC anchors Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews.

Their voices are muted, and a narrator intones over their images: “In Washington, they talk about who's up and who's down. In Oregon, we care about what's right and what's wrong.”

Will this strategy bring out enough voters in Oregon for her to close what is currently a 20-point deficit? Stay tuned.