MSM Gave Bill Clinton More Coverage Than Any Republican Candidate

February 4th, 2008 12:24 PM
H/t ML.

How fixated is the MSM on its beloved Democrats? In a recent week, the media bestowed more coverage on Bill Clinton than on any of the Republican presidential candidates.

That's the finding of the The Project for Excellence in Journalism [PEJ], a part of the Pew Research Center, which has never been accused of right-wing tendencies.

The PEJ systematically studies coverage of a variety of issues, including candidates, and issues a weekly report. For the most recent week studied, January 21 through 27, Bill Clinton was the third-most prominent newsmaker in the race for President, beating out all Republicans. Finishing fourth, after Bill, Hillary and Obama, John McCain was, predictably, the most-covered GOP candidate.

See the full story here. Details on the media outlets studied here.

Consider that political consultants refer to MSM coverage as "earned media," as an adjunct to "paid media" -- advertising. In other words, there is a huge financial/political benefit to the candidates in being covered. So it's not just reporting -- look at the MSM's fixation on the Dems as a contribution in kind.