Hillary's MTP Highlight: She Hasn't Thought of VRWC For 10 Years?

January 13th, 2008 1:02 PM

I just caught a few minutes at the end of Hillary's hour-long appearance on "Meet the Press," and I was pleased that Tim Russert brought up the last-minute pardons of 2001, even though Hillary once again pulled out her Sergeant Schultz answer: "I knew nothing!" She was shameless enough to say she would be the president of government transparency. We'll believe that when she releases all of her own records on things like the $100,000 cattle-futures bonanza.

But the real kicker was when Russert brought up the "vast right-wing conspiracy charge," too vaguely, and Hillary cackled. She said something demonstrably false, that she hadn't given the "organized" right wing a thought in ten years. That's not why she was setting up Media Matters and the Center for American Progress? That's why she tells left-wing audiences she's "your girl" in fighting the right wing?

Update at 1:47PM by Noel Sheppard

Here's what Sen. Clinton had to say about the vast right-wing conspiracy on August 4, 2006, while speaking in front of the YearlyKos convention (video and audio available here):

We are certainly better prepared and more focused on, you know, taking our arguments, and making them effective, and disseminating them widely, and really putting together a network, uh, in the blogosphere, in a lot of the new progressive infrastructure, institutions that I helped to start and support like Media Matters and Center for American Progress.

You know, we're beginning to match what I had said for years was the advantage of the other side. Uh, you know, when I made that comment about the vast right-wing conspiracy, I wasn't kidding. Uh, what I never could have predicted is that it was not a conspiracy, it was just wide open and out there for everybody to see.

I guess this slipped Hillary's mind Sunday when she said:

I haven’t paid much attention to [the vast right-wing conspiracy] for about 10 years. I really don’t have any idea. ... I’m just too busy to worry about that.

I guess Hillary's admission in August slipped Russert's mind as well. Now that's what I call good journalism.