Congrats NewsBusters!!

December 17th, 2007 9:39 AM

Well, the results are in for the 6th Annual Right Wing News Conservative Blog Awards and NewsBusters did quite well this year! Here is where Newsbusters placed and in what categories:

Best Original Reporting By A Blog

4) NewsBusters

4) Michael J. Totten

3) Confederate Yankee

2) Michael Yon: Online Magazine

1) Michelle Malkin

Best Linker

4) NewsBusters

2) Hot Air

2) Michelle Malkin

1) Instapundit

The Best Blog Overall

10) Atlas Shrugs

10) Gateway Pundit

10) Jihad Watch

8) The Anchoress

8) NewsBusters

7) Ace of Spades HQ

6) The Corner

5) Captain's Quarters

3) Instapundit

3) Michelle Malkin

2) Little Green Footballs

1) Hot Air

Good job, everyone. And our good showing isn't just because of the writers and moderators here at Newsbusters, but because of you folks who are so loyal as to visit on a daily basis. No where to go but up!