Maher Does a Rosie: ‘Doesn’t Bush Have American Blood On His Hands?’ (updated w/video)

September 29th, 2007 12:24 PM

In March, a NewsBusters headline asked, "Is Bill Maher Becoming the Rosie O'Donnell of Cable Television?"

On Friday, the host of HBO's "Real Time" once again proved he has, for in coming to the defense of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Maher rationalized the Iranian president sending munitions to kill American soldiers in Iraq by asking, "Doesn't Bush have American blood on his hands?"

Maybe worse, Maher said that Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust, and statements that "Israel should be wiped off the map," are just "things he says to get elected," and "are the equivalent of when the Republicans in this country say, ‘Gay marriage will lead to death.'"

After introducing his panel, Maher began the discussion with Ahmadinejad's visit to New York City stating (video available here, relevant sections at 1:28 and 5:00):

It does seem like the media are just taking the Administration talking points about this drumbeat of war with Iran the way they did five years ago with Iraq. You'd think that was 50 years ago, and they forgot all about it. "Oh, that's right, we bought the bullshit about Saddam." But it was five years ago. I know that they've been busy with OJ, but, c'mon. I mean, Scott Pelley said to Ahmadinejad, "You have American blood on your hands." Doesn't Bush have American blood on his hands?

A few moments later, Maher said:

The main reason we hate Ahmadinejad is because what he said about Israel. At least that's what sticks in my craw, and I think most people, certainly the New York papers, cause he said Israel should be wiped off the map. Some people say it is a mistranslation, whatever. Horrible thing to say. And, he denies the Holocaust. But, those are things he says to get elected. Okay? There are Jews in the Iranian parliament. He can't be that anti-Semitic. I think those are the equivalent of when the Republicans in this country say, "Gay marriage will lead to death." Or, "Flag-burning is..." you know. It's politics. And shrewd politicians, you know, you say what you want about Nixon, but at least he was shrewd. He would know the difference between when a politician is just bullshitting his own people, and what's real.

Honestly, can't you see Rosie O'Donnell making the same absurd assertions?

I guess we should ignore Ahmadinejad's statements about wiping Israel off the face of the planet because he's just "bullshitting."

Bill, it must be a proud moment in your life to have allowed your Bush Derangement Syndrome to so thoroughly drain your intellectual capacity that it has sunk to the level of that possessed by folks like Rosie O'Donnell.

How truly sad.

*****Update: NBer fitzfong made a fabulous point in the comments section that is just too delicious for anyone to miss --

"Israel should be wiped off the map," are just "things he says to get elected," and "are the equivalent of when the Republicans in this country say, ‘Gay marriage will lead to death.'"

Or, more appropriately they are the equivalent of when some Democrats in this country say, "I support the troops."

Two very enthusiastic thumbs up here!