AJC's Cynthia Tucker Embraces Factually Inaccurate Newspaper Content

August 6th, 2007 11:11 PM

Editorial page editor Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal Constitution was asked why letters that are "factually inaccurate" are allowed into the newspaper. I had long assumed it was the same reason stories that are factually inaccurate are used in the newspaper, but not-so says Tucker: "We live in such a politically polarized age that not everybody agrees on the facts. My letters policy tends to be a bit looser than those of some other editorial page editors."

This includes "Readers who still believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction that they were taking to Syria are allowed to express that view even though it is clearly not true." As you may recall, I addressed this "inaccuracy" once before for ACLU president turned journalist, Robyn Blumner.

But Cynthia does have a standard that even she won't breach: "If a letter is so distorted it needs an editor's note, Tucker won't run it. She worries that adding an editor's note would embarrass the writer." Cynthia, consider this my editor's note to you.