Columnist Claims Illegal Aliens Have Supplanted Transgendered As 'New Right-Wing Fear Factor'

July 1st, 2007 9:00 PM

Sometimes a newspaper story is so bizarre that you have to review it twice just to be sure you really read what you had just read. Such was the case with this Palm Beach Post column, "Immigrants new right-wing fear factor," by Frank Cerabino (pictured at right). We enter the surreal zone with this report:

I feel bad for Jennifer Lasko, the Delray Beach firefighter who made a significant sacrifice for her favorite presidential candidate.

Especially because it's an unnecessary sacrifice.

Lasko, 42, was one of four Americans selected from thousands of essay-writing supporters of U.S. Sen. Barack Obama to have dinner with the candidate on July 10. Lasko donated $25 to the Obama campaign and wrote about her transformation from a Republican to a Democrat.

It turns out that Miss Lasko's switch from Republican to Democrat was the least of her transformations:

She didn't only change political parties. Lasko had a sex change two years ago.

And she didn't want her transgendered status to become a political liability for Obama.

"I was foolish to think I could keep it under wraps," she told The Palm Beach Post's Jose Lambiet. "There are a lot of closed-minded people who'll make an issue of this."

Like liberals such as Frank Cerabino who will make a chip-on-the-shoulder issue of the "right-wing" supposedly being morally outraged over the transgendered and others of the self-described "GLBT" grouping:

A few months ago, I would have said Lasko's concern was politically savvy. But I've come to believe that she may be overly cautious during this election cycle and that she, and everybody else in the GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual) community have less to dread in 2008 than in previous election years.

That's because there's a new scapegoat in town: Immigrants.

Of course, Cerabino means illegal aliens but in the new leftwing PC NewSpeak they are now referred to as "immigrants" or as "undocumented workers."

When it comes to whipping up irrational get-out-the-vote fear, it's the trans-bordered, not the transgendered who are in the crosshairs of the troglodyte wing of American politics.

Latin American immigrants are the new gays.

At this point, Cerabino descends from the merely bizarre to the flat out surreal:

The nail-biting fear of gay marriage and the so-called "gay agenda" has given way to contrived hysteria over tubercular, leprous El Qaeda Central Americans streaming into America to pursue their diabolical menial-labor agenda.

These days, the morality police are joining the border patrol, trading in their Bibles for barbed wire in the hunt for a more galvanizing bogeyman.

Is this good for the GLBT crowd? Claro que si.

One can picture angry rightwing yahoos trading in their Bibles for barbed wire to hunt down terrorized "immigrants"...but only in the Cerabino Bizarro World. At least we should thank Frank for the laughs derived from his over the top liberal hyperbole on the topic of illegal immigration.