Matthews on MSNBC Bloomberg Coverage: 'We're Putting on Sh-t'

June 20th, 2007 10:25 AM

Coming back from a commercial break that included a plug for "the best reporting, the power of NBC News" on "Super Tuesdays," MSNBC's Chris Matthews was caught uttering an expletive, complaining about the content of the network's programming.

The "Hardball" host complained that "we're all reacting here and putting on shit" with the network's breaking news coverage pertaining to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg leaving the GOP to become an independent.

Video (0:46): Real (1.94 MB) or Windows Media (1.39 MB), plus MP3 audio (216 kB)

Immediately thereafter, Matthews caught his error and began reading from the teleprompter.

H/t to NewsBusters reader Jason Aslinger