Time Magazine’s ‘Top 100’ Most Influential List Snubs President George W. Bush

May 3rd, 2007 10:46 AM

Is there any better indication of how biased a publication is than who it perceives to be the most influential people in the world?

If such is indeed the case, Time magazine has given us quite a glimpse into its predilections with its annual “100 People Who Shape Our World” list.

Most notably, although he is the most powerful man on the planet, and his nation is in the middle of a war on terror that could end up having profound international effects for decades nay centuries, President George W. Bush was conspicuously absent.

Isn't that special?

*****Update follows with a little history of this list.

Yet, the following “Leaders and Revolutionaries” were honored:

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  • Beijing Communist Party Leader Liu Qi
  • Fidel Castro’s brother Raul
  • Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-New York)
  • China’s President Hu Jintao
  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California)
  • Sen. Barack Obama (D-Illinois)
  • NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg (R)
  • Ayatullah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader
  • German Chancellor Angela Merkel
  • Osama bin Laden

And, in the “Heroes and Pioneers” section:

  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Elizabeth Edwards
  • Tyra Banks
  • George Clooney
  • Michael J. Fox
  • Yankee pitcher Chien-Ming Wang

Yet, what you really have to love is the person Time placed first on the “Scientists and Thinkers’ list: soon-to-be-Dr. Al Gore.

I kid you not.

Try to read the opening sentence of the article about Gore without getting nauseous (emphasis added): “Al Gore understands the science of global warming better than anyone else in the world of politics.”


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Of course, the “Artists and Entertainers” section was quite a hoot, with folks like Tina Fey, Justin Timberlake, Sacha Baron Cohen, Leonardo DiCaprio, Rosie O’Donnell, Brad Pitt, and Brian Williams prominently featured.

Of course, it goes without saying that precious few conservatives made this list. Color me unsurprised.

*****Update: Some interesting information about this list from Wikipedia:

The list was first published in 1999, when Time magazine named the 100 most influential people of the 20th century. Based on the popularity of the installment, in 2004 Time magazine decided to make it an annual feature.

Of further interest should be the fact that this is the first time since this became an annual event that President Bush was snubbed. However, to be fair, this is also the first time former President Bill Clinton didn't make the list as well. Coincidence?

Also of note is Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's fourth annual appearance on the list making her the only person with such an honor.   
