Skeptical Documentary ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’ Airs on British TV

March 10th, 2007 1:58 PM

With American media falling all over themselves in unbridled adoration for soon-to-be-Dr. Al Gore while they generate totally unwarranted hysteria over climate change, it seems impossible to imagine a televised documentary debunking the junk science surrounding this issue.

Yet, across the Pond, our greatest ally, Great Britain, has done exactly that.

The program is called “The Great Global Warming Swindle,” and the entire must-see video has been posted at Google (h/t Allah and Dan Riehl).

*****Update: Video available here. reviewed the program on Wednesday (emphasis mine throughout):

A documentary titled The Great Global Warming Swindle will be aired on British television by Channel 4 Thursday highlighting that claims global warming is manmade constitutes the ''biggest scam of modern times.''

The documentary dismisses outright the claims that greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activity leads to climate change. Instead, it says the Sun is the real cause for global warming.

Think this will get any attention in America? Regardless of the answer, the article continued:

Directed by film maker Martin Durkin, the documentary disputes the scientific opinion professed in the recent United Nations report, which has said humans are very likely to blame for global warming and that there is no doubt remaining that it is caused by man's use of fossil fuels.

Durkin says the argument of man-made climate change is a lie and the biggest scam of modern times. He describes global warming as "a multibillion-dollar worldwide industry, created by fanatically anti-industrial environmentalists, supported by scientists peddling scare stories to chase funding, and propped up by compliant politicians and the media."

Those that are interested in learning the background of this documentary should go here.