This week, the Media Research Center celebrated 20 years of busting news bias. At the annual MRC 20th Anniversary Gala, Conservative legend Rush Limbaugh brought down the house with his closing speech on the success of the alternative media.
Welcome to Hillary TV: All Hillary, All The Time
On Monday, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton received a gift from "Good Morning America": A 30 minute "town hall" infomercial where a GMA host lauded the New York Senator for being ahead of her time.
"We’re Through The Looking Glass Here, People"
Rosie O’Donnell’s conspiracy theories just keep getting more and more bizarre. Now, she claims to have "no idea" who attacked the U.S. on 9/11.
There are many questions a respectable journalist might ask a Republican presidential candidate. But ABC’s Chris Cuomo attempted to have Senator John McCain answer this brilliant query: Would you prefer Obama or Hillary to win in 2008?
Apparently, the media have found yet another negative spin on George Bush and Iraq. The conflict is stopping us from curing cancer.