Norcross, a “hurricane specialist” for the CBS-owned Miami station WFOR-TV channel 4, rejected the premise: “No, I don't think so. This is just part of this extreme situation we've had this winter -- very warm, very cold -- and so the extreme weather continues and it turns out the United States is just about the only spot in the world that has a lot of these kinds of super-cells, just not normally this time of year.”
Editor's Note (Ken Shepherd | 3/2/2007, 00:44 EST): Given how hot the topic has been on NB of late, I thought I'd throw in a helpful link for our readers from my colleagues at the MRC's Business & Media Institute (BMI). "Climate of Bias," is a clearinghouse for the best coverage on the issue from NewsBusters, MRC, BMI, and, as well as links to outside resources.