Meteorologist Launches Website to Counter Media’s Global Warming Hysteria

February 24th, 2007 4:06 PM

A Trenton, New Jersey, meteorologist has just launched a new website to counter the constant stream of disinformation about anthropogenic global warming coming from a hysterical media.

As reported by (emphasis mine throughout):

Joseph Conklin, a meteorologist with expertise in the analysis of surface weather observations, has launched a website to help promote alternative scientific views on climate change. He believes these views have been overshadowed and even wrongly criticized by sensationalist news stories.

The press release continued:

"The goal of the website is to show the public that other research on climate change exists and the debate is not over. In science, alternate views should always be welcomed, not silenced," Conklin states.

Furthermore, Conklin insists on keeping information at his website non-partisan:

While research on either side of the climate change debate can be submitted to the website, only those not linked to any political group will be accepted.

"Scientific research should be apolitical. Extremist groups have promoted global warming as their primary political issue. I want this website to help correct that."

How refreshing. For those interested, here are Conklin’s credentials:

Mr. Conklin has over 14 years experience collecting and analyzing surface weather observations. He has additional experience in radar/lightning analysis, wind shear detection, and software development. Mr. Conklin holds a meteorology degree from Rutgers University and an interdisciplinary degree from Monmouth University where his master's thesis involved climate studies with lightning and severe storms. He also operates, a website specializing in monthly weather forecasts.

We certainly wish Mr. Conklin and his team great success with their new endeavor, and look forward to their contributions concerning this crucial issue.